Friday, June 23, 2006

[Decadent Duo for Decadent Duos: Chocolate Cups with Whipped Cream]This recipe is a no bake pot de creme, no kidding.
Recipe Summary:-Difficulty: Easy .Prep Time: 5 minutes .Cook Time: 5 minutes .Yield: 4 servings in demitasse cups.Recipe courtesy Rachael Ray. 2/3 cup whole milk
1 egg
2 tablespoons sugar
Pinch salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 tablespoons hazelnut liqueur or (I used Chocolate syrup)
4 demitasse cups
1 cup whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar
Mint sprigs, for garnish, optional
Heat milk in a small pan over moderate heat until it comes to a boil. In blender or food processor combine egg, sugar, a pinch of salt, semisweet chips, and liqueur. Run processor or turn on blender to low setting. Pour in boiling milk in a slow stream. The hot milk will cook egg and melt chocolate. Process or blend 1 minute, until smooth. Spoon chocolate into 4 demitasse cups and chill. After dinner, beat cream until soft peaks form. Add a little sugar and beat to combine. Top the chocolate cups with a dollop of cream and garnish each cup with mint sprigs. Place cups on saucers and serve with demitasse spoons. If you use teacups, this recipe will yield 2 cups, rather than 4.
Posted by Butterfly Wishes at 5:37 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
My lil' honey died ytd due to hunger. I was busy doing my own things and didnt care about it whn it asked for my attention ='(. only 6 months and it's gone. But it's alright, 'cos my new pet is borned ; swtie. hahaha. hmms. Don't know what's wrong with myself these days. have been feeling realy dwn. My attitude's realy bad. after awhile, i'll feel realy bad.
I shld learn to control my temper. [I'm sorry]..!!
Posted by Butterfly Wishes at 3:15 AM
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Okay now I'm watching the The Omen 66. Basically, this movie is a remake of the Omen in 1976. The whole story line is about an American diplomat and his wife adopt a child, but then they begin to suspect their adopted son is the Antichrist.I have to admit that while I'm watching this program I begin to feel that is this kind of thing for real? Would Satan really send his son here..and seriously what for? People still commit sins no matter what.It is important to mention about 'the Da Vinci code'.
Why people have to make such a big fuss about's just a movie people. However, it is important to keep things in mind that imagination sometimes can take you beyond the limit *hence the Da Vinci code movie. I have to admit that I,myself a movie fanatic but I'm not a movie critic. I don't really give a darn about the composition of the films or the movie angles. You could call me a stupid consumer if you want, I choose to watch movies by their previews.
I don't care about all the comments which critics have made. I might be disappointed after I watch this film but oh well..we will find out when I get my arse to a movie theatre.
Posted by Butterfly Wishes at 2:18 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006

I've been wondering what makes Rachael Ray so popular, I can come up with.....
Rachael Ray was not only named one of People Magazine's Most Beautiful People but also appears on Time Magazine's List of 100 People Who Shape Our World. (Oprah also appears on both lists.) Like Oprah, Rachael has her own magazine (recently launched), Everyday with Rachael Ray, chocked full of not only cooking tips but lifestyle and fashion advice. And coming this fall, Rachael Ray will host her own daytime talkshow, developed by (you guessed it) Oprah Winfrey.
Who is this woman that has taken America by storm? Cooking purists may loathe her kitchen skills (or lack thereof) but personality goes a long way and that is one thing she is not short of. If we are truly lucky, perhaps Rachael's talkshow will be a success (good news for her fans), but she will step aside from her cooking duties (good news for her critics). Regardless, Rachael Ray has definite appeal to the masses and you can expect to see her around for a very long time.
She's who you would like to see hopping out of the SUV to pick up the kids. That's good comforting TV in regular America. It’s easy to dismiss Rachael as an amateur chef. She uses boxed ingredients, she hates specialty foods in recipes, her food often has silly nicknames, and she uses abbreviations like EVOO for extra-virgin olive oil. She giggles when she cooks and makes juvenile comments. What her critics don’t understand is that Rachael is entertaining and that’s what people want.
There are dozens of cooking shows on television. If people only wanted to know a recipe, they could buy a book. People love Rachael because of her engaging personality, her recipes fit the American lifestyle – cheap and easy, and most importantly, Rachael Ray is someone they can relate to.
Posted by Butterfly Wishes at 4:15 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Starting Over..

My friends and I used to have a conversation about creating blogs and to be honest at that time we all agreed that it was such an unintelligent idea to put your life on internet. However, here I am with my own contradicting huh! (and half of my friends already have their own blogs)
Well, I'm not too sure about this blog thing, but I'm willing to give anything a try. Maybe it will help eliminate my many group emails that come after a month of running around. It's hard to remember what all to fill everyone in on and keep straight on who knows what already. The summer is close and being the crazy planner girl, I've already been making plans. I guess that stems from my single days never wanting to have a lonesome moment to remind myself that I'm ~###~.
Now its become a fact of life - stay busy. Oh and traveling makes me happy =)
Posted by Butterfly Wishes at 4:22 AM